How To Achieve Search Engine Optimization On Google–keyword-difficulty–development-of-a-new-essential-and-unique-seo-tool

Search Engine Optimization is very necessary in order to prevent your website from getting lost in the plethora of websites. There are more than 2 billion websites on Internet and any keyword returns a million of search results on Google. So, if you want any traffic to be directed on your website from Google you need to make your website displayed in top search results. Being among the top 10 website searched with your keyword is not an easy task but it is not impossible.
Though search engines like Google do not disclose their algorithms used to filter and rank their search results yet there are some well-known techniques which could help you in ranking your website among the top ranked websites on internet. Some are well approved and natural and some are considered unethical, though both of them are can be effective but it is recommended to resort to natural or ethical Search Engine Optimization.
In order to understand the strategies for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on Google lets first try to understand how it searches your website. Apparently, Keywords are the most important. The Spiders of Google scan your websites for keywords and then use it for indexing.
The most important thing is the use of appropriate titles and descriptions known as Meta title and Meta description. Always use relevant title, the title you are using should determine the contents your page. There is usually a character limit for titles (approx. 65 characters with spaces) and description (approx. 155 characters with spaces) so you have to clever in using important keywords in limited space. Try not to be repetitive.
Google also indexes a website based on its heading and text. So try to make a efficient use of keywords in headings and also in text of your content. Note that banner, images and flash media do not account for any indexing by crawlers but using keywords-efficient descriptions for them can be a good idea. People tend to overuse the keywords in their content, It is also known as keyword stuffing or spamming. It is considered illegal and bots or crawlers usually ignore or block a website where they find excessive usage. So you have to be wise and not greedy in use of keywords.
Google also looks for the relevant keyword in your URL, so try to use it in your URL for example, if your website is about transport service, it is good to have a website named
Also, the quality of content on your page matters. The content on your page should be Fresh and original. Copying the content from other will be considered spamming from Google and is likely to be ignored. Google prefers fresh pages with quality content. Also, if you update your content frequently, then you are likely to be noticed and indexed by Google.

Green Web Solutions is a leading SEO company which provides world class Natural SEO services for Google. Green Web Solutions is a global SEO consultant firm offering a wide range of affordable SEO packages with a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.

How Do I Get Google to Index My Website Faster

Google doesn’t index every site at the same speed if website A adds a new page at the same time as website B this does not mean they will both be indexed at the same time. Why is this? In this article I will discuss why this happens and what you can do to be website A.
Let’s start by discussing why Google indexes webpage’s quicker than others. The reason Google will index a page from website A before website B is mostly due the frequency that you add new pages to your website. If you think about it if you are adding pages every day then Google is going to pick up on this and crawl your website more often in search of new unique content. If on the other hand you only add new pages once a month then Google won’t index your new content as regularly.
If you want Google to increase the crawl rate of your website you need to add new pages with unique content on a regularly basis. However just adding any old rubbish won’t help Google still needs to value the content you are adding. If you add a sitemap xml document to Google through your Google webmasters account this will help as Google can see when you add new content and from here you can also see the crawl rate of your website. Adding a sitemap xml can also give you a host of other statistics regarding your website.
Another way to get your webpage’s index quicker is by getting links from other websites that Google indexes quick. For example if you add you content to websites like Digg which is a website that get indexed very frequently then Google will find your link and follow it to your website. Then from there Google can decide whether to index your webpage or not.
If you need you ecommerce web design to be indexed quicker hiring a search engine optimisation company that knows about these things can help.
Making sure your new pages on your website are well linked from other indexed pages on your website will also help as when Google revisits these pages it will find the new link pointing to your new page. You should never add content on your website just for SEO purpose you should only add new pages if you feel your website visitors are going to benefit from this new content. If you haven’t added an xml sitemap already I suggest this should be your first step.

Author Jack Mack

Google and the Outlawed Purchasing of Links

Every body who is related to or works within the link building industry will know about the issue about buying text links and other forms of links to improve your pagerank and listings within the serp’s.

If you do not know then I will explain Google has started to impede the websites that are selling link ads, high pagerank directories and other websites that are in effect helping to manipulate the results in the serp’s. For sometime now (until recently that is) it was possible to purchase very high pagerank links by using not your company name but your actual keyword as the link (known as Anchor text) This proves very effective for getting your website to the top of the SE’s and for this reason Google has started to penalise websites that sell these links. So over the last 2 pagerank updates we have seen a large decline in high PR directories some lost there pagerank all together and others were reduced from scores of 6 out of 10 to 3 and 4 out of 10 and so on.

In some ways this is a very good method for making a level playing field in the world of SEO. The main problem now for many SEO companies is where they are able to get there links from. Many SEO companies used to charge their clients a large fee in which some of that money was used to purchase high pagerank links. Now they are stuck because these links are slowly being eradicated and not only that if you do reside in purchasing links you are setting the site up for a chance where it could possibly become penalised along with the website that is selling the link.

The problem we all have is that the idea in regards to linking purposes is the fact that you are supposed to create a superb website with plenty of good content so people will link to your website because of the quality it offers. But let’s put this to into perspective, I create the best website you have ever seen and daily add the best written content that has ever been written. Now then you know my website is high quality but I need relevant links, so let’s say the most relevant links are ones in my own industry. But who in their right minds in my industry is going to link their websites to my own. They will then be in fear that my website will rank better than their own and that is definitely a big no to other websites as they do not want to create further competition.

The next problem, obviously then no one is likely to link to my website in my industry, so next I need to find websites that are the same theme. Again it is very unlikely they are going to link their website to mine without something in return no matter how impressive my site is. So we have to look at other methods of being able to get relevant links. The next method without purchasing links is to trade links through the form of a reciprocal link. Although reciprocal links do not provide as much wait in value to websites as a backward link they are still a good way of getting a good relevant link. But again Google through its godliness has decided that again reciprocal links are not correct for their search engine and now I have seen many websites links pages become grey barred and have no visible pagerank. So in reality the most fundamental method that is supposed to gain you good links through my impressive website will not come into effect, also I cannot reciprocate with relevant websites, I cannot purchase links so where do I go next?

Although this issue is a pressing issue there are still many other methods such as Blogs, Articles, Social bookmarking and many more methods that can are effective at getting you good rankings. The problem is though how long will these methods be effective with Google deeming that many of these aspects of link building are incorrect and will be soon become outlawed by Google.

Terry Metcalfe writting for Fresh SEO providing Website Optimization and Website Marketing for small to medium enterprises looking to gain a foothold within the major search engines.

Business Opportunity – Doing SEO Getting Your Site Indexed is Just Too Easy!

Have you just created a web site and now you need to get it indexed so that the search engines recognize it?
I have to tell you…
When I first looked into SEO (search engine optimization), I thought getting my site indexed would take weeks or even months! As a matter of fact, I thought I had to go make a request with every search engine in order to get on a list so that eventually they will recognize my site! When you are just getting started with your own online opportunity, it is really difficult to think about waiting weeks or months for something like Google to recognize it!
I can tell you now that it is all a bunch of hooey.
Yes…There is a place where you can go to for each search engine where you would enter in specific information to get your site eventually indexed.
Here is the deal though.
You do not have to do this. If you want your site noticed by the search machines as soon as possible…just do the following.
Go to any article submission site like the site I am submitting this article to.
Write an article and submit it making sure your links in the resource box point back to your web site.
That is it!!
Why does that work?
A good article submission site usually has what is called “high PageRank”. PageRank is specific to the Google search engine. Google does at least 65% of all search engine marketing on the internet.
A high PageRank means Google is sending queries to that site all of the time.
If your article is new content, as soon as they query the site, they will take your article and index it.
Because Google is overwhelmingly the internet favorite, all other search engines will find your site as well!!
It does not get any easier than that!

Interested in a business opportunity in which we as a team already have high positions for highly sought after keywords?
A business opportunity in which we are all members of a co-op that work together and share in the success? Feel free to pay us a visit and grab a freebie while your there!

Facebook Tagging- Is It Dangerous—effect-on-seo

If you have been using Facebook chances are you have done some tagging before. Tagging is a way to let other users on your friends list to have access or to be aware about a status, post or picture that you just placed on Facebook. Perhaps, tagging is the engine that made Facebook the venerable social network it has become today. Yet the problem with Facebook tagging is that it may open a can of worms leading to potential security and privacy breach. People may be posting intimate personal information which is not for public’s consumption. Now, is tagging really dangerous? Let’s find out the answers.
It could be dangerous
Tagging is one of the ways to spread the word out in this social networking site. The purpose of tagging is to make targeted people in your friends list to be aware of what you have uploaded or posted on Facebook. While at the surface it does not give many problems about security and privacy but it may cause a lot of issues. We have no control of people seeing our friends’ pages. We may not be in control if the accounts of the tagged friends have been hacked because they have been using a public computer and neglected to log out.
It could give stalkers cues
When you tag people there is a possibility that it can give away your position or whereabouts. This is very scary given the fact that it can let stalkers know where you at and continue stalking you. This innocent way of being tagged with some location information can be dangerous and may put you at harm’s way. That is why it is best to keep your location information secret or at least do not give away the exact location. The best way to keep your privacy and safety is never to have tags that indicate where you can be reached.
It could give out sensitive information
Often there are pictures of children that have been tagged without much thought. Some parents would go in greater lengths to put some sensitive information about children on Facebook. These are the exact information that sexual predators can use to entice or lure your children. When a stranger is knowledgeable about the information about Aunt Helen and Uncle Bob they become no longer much of a stranger, they may feel like family and the false sense of security can be the trigger that may send your children into danger.
It could tell the world you are alone
Criminals can be techy, you know. If you have been visible in Facebook, criminals could just monitor your posts and the tags and use the information to tell them when to strike. This is very scary if you have been tagged with the information that you are at the most vulnerable position or you are alone in the house. This sends an idea bulb to criminals to strike while the iron is hot. If you will not feel too much anxiety and stress about this situation, nothing will.
It could swamp your inbox
If you get tagged in girls’ night out it may mean that you are not in a relationship. This will prompt stalkers to resume their stalking. This can be dangerous especially if the stalker is deranged.
Facebook is a great way to connect with friends. But it can be a dangerous place like any other real place on earth. Always monitor the tags and see if it does give away your position and could pose danger to your person.

Are social networking sites giving you a lot of anxiety? Don’t fret. There are many ways to easily kick away anxiety, just visit MeraSEO site for more helpful information.

Can Google AdWords Effect My Websites Search Engine Ranking

OK, the first thing to remember is that Google AdWords and Google Search are two completely separate entities, they are just displayed on the same search page when you make a search.
Many times you here “I removed Google AdWords and lost all my rankings” with people touting conspiracy theories on how Google makes them keep paying for AdWords otherwise they will lose their organic rankings. This is complete nonsense however!. Read Google’s official line on this subject.
Just so you sleep well at night I would like you to know that there is no big Google AdWords conspiracy and anything that happens to your web sites rank in the organic listings is completely separate and unaffected by Google AdWords .
Google Organic search uses the search engine spider Googlebot. Google AdWords uses the search engine spider Google Mediapartners. Just check your server logs and you will probably see both at one time or another.
Google AdWords uses a completely different ranking algorithm and pricing model to rank Ads than the Organic search uses. Google AdWords uses something called Ad Rank which is based on a quality score and a cost per click value.
Another interesting fact is that you can have an AdWords account without your site being indexed in the Organic search. Surely this fact alone should convince people the two are not related.
So, you can rest safe in the knowledge that your Google AdWords (or AdSense for that matter) account has no effect positive or negative on your Organic Google search results.

Google Keyword Tool – How to Use it For Keyword Research

When you operate a business on the internet, you should have a good understanding of keywords. Keywords help people find your website and, when used properly, they can help your website rank better in search results. Since Google handles approximately 70% of the search engine market, it’s a good idea to start your keyword research using the Google Keyword Tool.
Before you start using the tool, be sure that you understand the match types that you can choose from. There are 3 match types you can choose from when you run searches; broad, exact, and phrase. Each one has its pros and cons. Remember, even though it is important to use keywords properly, always create your content for people first, and search engines second. If it doesn’t make sense when people read your content, it doesn’t matter how much traffic your site gets.
Broad will give you very high search volume results, since the results will include any and all variations of the keyword you type in. For example, if you run a search on “pepperoni pizza,” the monthly search volume includes any searches with the word “pepperoni,” or “pizza.” It’s not a very accurate reflection of the volume that you could expect when you choose to target a specific keyword phrase.
When you run a search using “phrase,” the results will include the exact phrase with variations. For example, if you type in “pepperoni pizza,” the monthly search volume will include the exact keyword phrase, as well as variations, such as “good pepperoni pizza,” or “best pepperoni pizza.” For one-word keywords, the results will be the same as “broad” searches.
If you use “exact” match type, it’s a much better indication of the traffic you might receive if your web page shows up on the first page of Google search results. Exact match type includes only the search volume for the exact phrase, with no variations. So, when you type in “pepperoni pizza,” you only get the search volume results for that exact phrase. If you get on the first page of Google for a specific phrase, you might get additional traffic for similar keywords, but it’s better to be pleasantly surprised, rather than very disappointed.

For a free video walkthrough on how to set up the Google Keyword Tool and use it to find keywords, click on the link.
If you want more information on choosing keywords, check out Superbad Internet Marketing.

How to Adapt Your Website’s SEO Strategy

Google has been updating and changing its algorithms for a few years now and webmasters need to keep up with the changes in order to climb the ranks of the Search Engine Ratings Pages (SERPS). Google is constantly (it seems) seeking to provide relevant, high quality content to its users in order to maintain its market share in the search engine scene.
For more than ten years, links and anchor text were integral to SEO, but this is no longer the case. Now webmasters should not solicit links, and any links should be relevant to high quality content, which is crucial to a site’s success, or lack of it, in rising up the SERPS. The key words these days are repute and trust.
There are two new words in SEO which Google introduced in 2013; these are co-concurrence and co-citation. Let’s take a look at what they mean and what they imply for webmasters.
Keywords, those all-important means of finding the article or site you are specifically looking for should not just be listed at the foot of an article, but they should lie within, or very close to, a link. Articles should never be over-stuffed with key words, as the emphasis is on making the content read fluently. If keywords play too much of a role in a text, the fluency is often lost.
This term refers to being mentioned in the same sentence, or at least on the same page as a website which has a very good reputation, and authority on the topic or brand, for example, that you are writing about. In the past Google has penalized people who have actively sought inbound links from other website; now you have to cite a reputed site, for instance, instead of using a link. It isn’t simply that quality content is king, but that articles and other texts have references to others with a solid reputation in the same field.
Bad Links a Problem?
Webmasters have been plagued with the fear of having bad links which Google has said it will penalize for some time. Google has been sending out mixed messages about these, as it has, on the one hand, given webmasters the Disavow Links Tool, which serves to allow webmasters to tell Google which links they believe it should ignore. However, on the other hand, Google has been telling webmasters that it would be best if they didn’t actually use the tool, but fixed those pesky bad links and removed them.
However, links are not bad in themselves and ‘good’ links are acceptable – Google hasn’t outlawed all links. It is simply trying to make certain that all links are relevant to content. You may want to watch a video on YouTube by Mark Cutts of Google about good and bad links, although his responses to questions put by Eric Enge are not always as clear cut as webmasters would like. He points out that hacking blogs is illegal, and so should be penalized, and he also states that having a strong social media presence (followers on Google+, Twitter and Facebook, for example) is a good way to build links. You engage your followers and then produce content which is relevant to them, this gets you more visibility and helps get your content ranked more highly (in theory at least).
Google has promised to supply webmasters with examples of bad links, but so far has not done so. That means that everyone is at least a little in the dark. However what we understand now, is that all links are not inherently bad, and so will not be penalized. The basic message is to work harder to ensure your quality is high, and don’t use what Google considers underhand methods of SEO.
Try to go through your website and weed out any links which are not explicitly relevant to your content, or use the Google Disavow Links Tool.
What you can also do is visit the Webmaster Forum every once in a while to discover what is going on in this area. Also subscribe (it’s free), to Web Pro News to keep up to date with new developments. After all, you don’t want to be left out in the cold. Keeping up with all Google’s changes has become a bit of a nightmare, but stay with it and hopefully your site will rise to the top 10 in the SERPS.

If you found this article interesting, read my other articles on Internet and SEO on this site. Comments are always welcome, and if you wish to contact me about writing for you, please do so by emailing me:

Designing a Site Map for SEO

Search engine optimization involves many components including linking, keyword research, content development, page titles, and other methods used to improve your search engine rankings. All of these methods can increase your results piece by piece but there is a way to combine many of these elements into an SEO method that can improve your web ranking and drive targeted traffic to your web site. This method is designing a site map to be used with your other search engine optimization efforts. Knowing how a site map can help you improve your SEO results will help you to better design your site map and make it conform to the guidelines of ethical and successful SEO.
Site Maps Defined
A site map is a graphical or textual representation of each of the pages on your web site. Site maps can be very complex and include professional graphics and they can also be very simple and have only text. A site map helps people find the information they are looking for on your web site. You can use a site map to incorporate some of the major components of SEO and improve your search engine rankings in the long run.
Site Maps & Text
Text-based site maps are the most effective for search engine optimization purposes. This is because you can use your chosen keywords in both the content of the site map and in each link to other pages within your site. If you have carefully chosen your keywords, implementing them into your site map can benefit your search engine optimization efforts and help improve your search engine rankings.
Site Maps & Links
Links are a very important part of successful search engine optimization. When search engine crawlers visit your web site, they look for links that can be used to help determine the relevance of pages and assist with search engine indexing. If you build a web site and have a link to each one of your other pages, this can improve your web rankings and make it easier for search engines to find your site when people search for the keywords you use on your web site.
Site Maps and Content
You can also use site maps to your advantage by writing keyword-optimized descriptions of each page that you are linking to from the site map itself. Your descriptions can include several keywords that describe your products and services and make it easier for people visiting your web site to find what they need. In addition to helping you optimize your web site, site maps are a valuable resource for visitors to your site.
Professional SEO Consulting
If you’re not sure how using a site map fits in with your search engine optimization strategy, you should consider hiring a professional SEO consulting firm. The SEO Team offers a wide variety of web design, SEO, and internet marketing services for web sites of all levels. If you’d like to know more about our services, visit our web site and learn how we can improve your web site SEO.

Google Promote, Remove and Comment Feature – Effect on SEO

Google Promote, Remove and Comment Feature; Is it a death-knell on all established SEO techniques? What is it’s apparent effect on Search engine optimization? How is it going to affect the SERPs (results page)? A colossal change has just been made by big G. Google could not have gotten better at what it does. It revolutionized the search engine all over again.
To the makers of Google, it is nothing short of the fairy-tale crystal ball where they can see everything happening around in the universe. Everyone online is sort of an open book to Google whether you want it or not. And just when you thought that Google already knows too much about people; about what they thought, what they dreamed, what they pursued, what they shopped, what they searched, Google comes up with another milestone idea to get people even more personal; the ability to promote, remove search results by every individual on the planet and add unique comments to any of your preferred result. Wow, so what if you decide to promote a website from 50th page to 1st page. And let’s say you demote a top ranking result into oblivion, never to be seen on the 1st page again. So in one click did you just kill the hype and hoopla of search engine optimization?
Because the best of optimized pages could literally be gone out of your sight with this tool if you decided to have it so. And if it is really so, then this is the END OF THE WORLD. Is it the END of conventional SEO? Do i hear a pin-drop silence?
No need to panic yet. If you see the buttons then you must have noticed that they appear only when you are logged in to your Google account, and the reprise is that they only affect the results that you see, not what the world does. Do i hear a sigh of relief? If you want to skip my detailed analysis and description of this feature, you may straightaway read the conclusion at the bottom.
How does Google promote/remove actually work? A specific example.
To check the same, simply log in to your account, let’s say you do a Google search for the keyword phrase “webkinz dollar store”, and click on the promote button next to a result in a subsequent page. You will immediately see it magically go to the topmost SERP in the 1st page. If you click on ‘promote’ for another “webkinz dollar store” search result, it will move into the second place on the 1st page itself. You can move the second web page to the first position by clicking “promote” on it again. Now Log out and search again for the same keyword, you will see your selected pages dropping back to its original ranking position. Login again and you will notice your chosen pages are back to your promoted order. If you click remove on any of your promoted website, it will return to its previous place in your Google search results. But If you click remove randomly on any un-promoted website, it will be permanently removed from any results. Of course you can get it back to the search results by clicking on restore at the bottom. The results are associated with your Google account only so they will be constant across any computes of you account logs.
At first instance it is bound to give the webmasters a cold feet with the thought that Google has handed over the fate of search engine results to people and everything about SEO goes to the dumps. It convincingly looks like, as if now people are to alter, improvise the worldwide top results for each search term. But it certainly isn’t the case. It’s only for your own Google account, for your own personalized result page order. And it is important to know that every new search term will have entirely different promoted and removed results than the other.
I’m sure even the biggest of SEO experts, guides and critics must have lost their nerve for a second with their first experience with Google promote and remove feature just as much as I did. So the big question still remains, is this the end of our struggle and success with SEO? Is it really all up to searchers and surfers to decide the ranks of our web pages? Are we supposed to watch helplessly all the big and popular web pages get to the top, while the smaller ones vanishing away? Thank the stars that it isn’t the case.
What is Google promote / remove system called?
It’s called SearchWiki. SearchWiki lets users have their own order of promoted and removed results, and leave comments on specific links. Google thus remembers changes that are made by the account holder to the organic search results pages, and subsequent searches will then be displayed as per the user’s customisations and notes. And most importantly, users will also have the option of seeing how other searchers have rated and reordered search results and view their notes as well, making search results a innovative community based initiative.
Who does searchwiki help?
In course of time, it will surely make a huge impact on how SEO affects a site in my opinion. Prior to this feature, a webmaster was the only individual who had an influence on the SEO aspects but now each and every Google user has the ability to decide where that site should be listed, making search engine results a different concept altogether. It may even revolutionize the idea or existing technology like browser bookmarks and RSS readership.
Customized search result page? Is it happening?
The way it stands now, it isn’t a possibility e.g., a specific page could be pushed to the top result for everyone just by getting shoppers or enthusiasts to ‘promote’ that site a million times. Neither can your competitors outrank your site by clicking on removal link a thousand times.
Yes, you can now customize your search results with the organic rankings, deletions, leave notes against each page for future reference and see how other Google users have tailored their searches. SearchWiki notes will be visible to other users, identified with your Google Account nickname.
What are the implications of Google searchwiki on SEO?
It is like an alarm bell for everyone to straighten up their act, specially thin affiliate sites, spammers or the ones resorting to black hat stuff. Yes sooner or later there will hardly be a scope for anyone to deviate even by an inch from the core of search engine fundamentals. That is relevance and accuracy.
Yes, many things will be affected from sales to delivery and reporting. SEO won’t be dead but it will have evolved and more oriented towards content than techniques .
Google has been remarkable in preventing spam and this new tool on the prima-facie would not only generate more direct data for Google analysis but would also also initiate a mass spam removal movement worldwide. As far as promoted and removed data is concerned, Google obviously is wary of SEO masters using proxy servers running multiple alias sites and redirect pages and unethical methods that can easily used to promote a single page. Hence they will never make a mistake of simply considering all the votes gained for a page to it’s ranking algorithm for organic searches without due verification. All of this will give Google a whole new perspective to search user habit and patterns by allowing the user to mix and alter the organic results itself. Unthinkable but true that it is already happening.
What if Google decides to apply the promotional and removal data to page ranks? Dooms day?
Top 10 ranking results will be flooded with the sites that the majority of people prefer. The hottest and most popular existing pages will fill up the top slots overnight, for every imaginable keyword search phrase. The scope for newer, smaller, unpopular websites will virtually perish with no place in the top noticeable positions. As a result it will hardly ever gain a promotion. And slowly it will stand as good as removed even if it is not.
It might be great to force people to look at the most popular websites, but the small ones which are less marketed or are comparatively of less value or quality will never stand a chance. Lesser traffic can never be the final diagnostic indicator.
But look at this from the perspective of a person who’s looking to find something out. If I need to learn about the “webkinz dollar store”, I don’t frankly care whether that comes from a small blog or a an unknown forum page, as long as I find the info I need, and its reliable. And I can always find them right where i need from anywhere in the world.
For those concerned about SEO.
The agony or the anxiety about it’s effect on SEO and rankings could be erased in a second just by reminding ourselves of the one and only governing factor about search engines, that their existence itself depends and will always be on it’s ability to offer accurate and relevant information to the users and not anybody else. Even searchwiki, this new Google tool is intended with no other intent but relevance. Isn’t it so common find relevant content even after page 10 at times? ( I don’t know about you, but I do search deep when I need information ). In such a case one would either bookmark that page or copy the content for future reference. I always sympathize with quality web pages nowhere near to the top ranking positions. That proves that just great content alone can not guarantee top ten results. A multitude of factors like SEO, backlinks, sandbox are responsible to drive a page to the top. And the process itself is slow.
Relevance will now be “of the search (Google), by the search (Google) and for the search (Google).” Sounds quite like a democratic definition of a search engine.
Not so long ago when webmasters saw the immense potential in harnessing people’s bookmarking habits, the craze of social bookmarking sites diggs, erupted overnight giving search relevance a completely relative meaning.
Things will now change. What better to bookmark a page from within the searches in just one click with no further accounts to log in to.
Backlinks and quality links are still the driving forces behind a websites rise or fall. It is equated as votes earned from other sites. As far as Google’s stand point is concerned, a natural promotion of a webpage from different un-suspicious IP addresses can count as votes of relevance for a search phrase.
Scientists are maybe still trying to unify the forces of nature into one formulae, but looks like Google almost successfully unified the world.
Welcome to Google monopoly. Look how it gets bigger by the day.
One Account: Where your world converges.
(Oh if you haven’t got a Google account yet. You will be compelled to have one sooner or later)
One Search Engine: The keyword manufacturing unit. Keyword demand supply chain. Unlimited Manpower at work for the biggest keyword market. From where internet business and ecommerce are governed.
One Search Tool (External keywords tool) : Manufactured keywords put on window display. Who does have a better authority to declare than Google itself, about what people are exactly searching for? Take it or leave it.
One Traffic Estimator: (Google lets you judge the cost of your keyword too) Window shopping for keywords.
One AdWords: OK so interested parties can shop for keywords from the keyword store.
One AdSense: Auctioned keywords recycled back to the people (searcher) working in the keyword factory.
One Webmaster Tools: The manufacturers of keyword money are now the safekeepers of all your keyword rich belongings.
One Analytics: Realtime live tv telecasting keyword news to keep the buyers and sellers interested.
One Web history: Refined fuel for the keyword engine machinery. Everyone’s web habit and online track records are well kept with Google. They exactly know geo-specific, cultural specific keyword needs. Well who better to assign a price-tag to a keyword up for auction?
One Homepage (iGoogle): If all these have become second nature to you, then iGoogle is the way to stay hooked. You will get a handful on your finger tips.
And Now Google searchwiki: Google taking control of what you thought is best for you.
It is like, you have helped manufacture some great and moderate keywords so far, so why don’t you manufacture some great result pages with your click votes too. After all there are a free gazillion keyword workers (search engine users) in the factory (Google) at any given point in time. Keep working a bit extra and Google shall know what exactly the gazillion wants to see or not see. The fairytale crystal ball is for real now.
Where do you stand? Your best kept secrets are the best resources to the Google rulers. Google knows what buyers want, what sells most. Google knows what sellers want, what buyers are willing to pay, how much are they willing to pay for, where do best buyers come from and the sellers too. The world wide web is not so entangled for the big G anymore. They conquered the world faster than Alexander.
Everyone’s Top 10 Pages will look different for the same search phrase. Scary to even think about it.
Google has gotten perfect at eradicating it’s imperfections. And if you thought you had a reason to point a finger at them due to erroneous relevant results, they gave the baton to you to improvise. Google may use 20 million algorithms in a millisecond to offer what is relevant. But now they will have a gazillion more from an entire planet to vote for and review their own definition of relevant searches.
What are the future projections and it’s impact on SEO practices?
1. Analysis of top ten projections and reporting is likely to change based on a world consensus.
2. The definitions for pagerank and rankings for single phrases and e-commerce variables could change. If a considerable number of people are not seeing a particular result in the first pages because they have it custom configured for a particular phrase with pre-selected results crowding the top, then definitely there would be lesser click-throughs as even the top sites will be pushed back further. Thus resulting in lesser visitor count for subsequent pages and affecting pagerank algorithms.
3. Marketers and SEO experts will have to look at a bigger picture than being obsessed with pagerank and rankings for single phrases.
4. Google AdWords will become more eminent as an assured method for topping the results with paid rankings, even if the user’s result page is highly customized. This means more revenues for Google.
5. When everyone starts to promote their favorite sites, the quality of content will definitely become even more undeniable (as it should be), and “classic” SEO techniques will need a complete re-orientation.
6. Marketers and SEO industry now thriving on Google, will be more proactive on Yahoo, Quil etc as alternative options.
7. Since this feature is only for Google user accounts. As of now the page rank and result pages outside logged Google accounts will very much be based on the organic SERPs. Especially given the fact that yahoo still owns more account user bases than Google. But eventually they will dominate even more with search engine market share, because of their unlimited customizable features.
8. As this Search Wiki tweak can be highly prone to spams, we won’t really see any sea change in the PR status radically soon until the rest of the planet not on Google account register and start using the feature.
9. Analytics will be even more laser focussed. Google will harness immense amount of personalized data and use them to improve relevance of results. You now will have to option to know your promotion vs removal ratio for every indexed page. You will soon know your popularity rank as much as your PR rank.
10. You will soon be presented with realtime reviews on your web pages moderated or not moderated by Google.
11. Websites with genuine content and relevance will now be a super must to even fair anywhere near.
12. SEO will spell “Authority pages” more than “Optimized pages”.
13. Survival of the fittest will be the new Google theory.
14. All onsite testimonials and reviews on products, services often clinically engineered or manipulated will matter less because you will have realtime online reviews even before you land on that page. (Google comment feature = Realtime reviews)
Millions of webmasters and people must still be biting their nails, trying to figure out what is wrong or right with our big Google. How is it likely to affect the already established businesses, websites and SEO? But I hope this article gives you enough insight about our fate or growth on Google in near future.
Another search engine revolution has begun with Google Promote, Remove and Comment Feature. Are you ready for the change?

Krsna Solo
I believe, if internet marketing had a generic signature line, it would read, “try this at home”. And you don’t even need an expert license to build an affiliate empire. All you need is experience and more experience.
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